What is a Hearing Conservation Program?
It is a program that is required by OSHA under the 29 CFR 1910.95 standard, which states any occupational exposures that are recorded in a TWA (time weighted Average) of 8hrs with a measured sound level of 85 decibels (db) should have a hearing conservation program.
With Direct Workforce Care onsite and mobile Health Services, your employees will be evaluated by a CAOHC certified audiometric technician and reviewed by our company Industrial Audiologist. This program we offer is convenient and efficient which cuts down on the client’s loss time and productivity.
DWC onsite and mobile Health Services’ On-Site Hearing Conservation Program includes:
- Audiometric history questionnaire review
- Education and Training presentations
- Otoscopic examination for all employees
- Audiometric testing
- On-site retesting for all STS cases at no extra charge
- On-site employee notification letters, with immediate test results
- Interpretation of test results by a licensed and certified audiologist
- Recommendation for hearing protection
- Complete report of records and trend analysis
- Record keeping and data storage
- Booklet reports
If you have an in-house program DWC will collaborate and assist you to keep you compliant. DWC onsite and mobile Health Services will tailor and customize our services to fit your companies needs and requests.